WSOP 2016, Event#14 Millionaire Maker, No millions but 3 ITM
Although Guy Pariente was hoping better results for the whole ONPOK team in this Millionnaire Maker, three players made the ITM again during WSOP Event bringing a new team performance.
Guy Pariente, Paul – François Tedeschi and Jimmy Guerrero had to strive till the end to go as far as possible in this millionaire Maker with the aim to attain the million as winning reward. Despite all their will and engagement, they stopped after two days of competition but nevertheless they were ITM in this Event #14 :
– Guy Pariente, 564e, 3 221$
– Jimmy Guerrero, 509e, 3 551$
– Paul-François Tedeschi, 437e, 3 948$
The struggle was long among the 7190 candidates and despite the winning amount was not that big, team ONPOK had the chance to be present in one tournament of the World Championship. ONPOK is not far from having the feat in being ITM on every event where one of its members was registered.
Do not hesitate to give your views and encourage the members of team ONPOK by leaving comments on our official Facebook page , we are waiting!